Friday, July 29, 2005
I was wondering to myself the other day what would it look like to dump 10,000 superballs down a steep street in San Francisco.
I have to wonder no longer.
Tip of the Horn to Boing Boing.
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I was wondering to myself the other day what would it look like to dump 10,000 superballs down a steep street in San Francisco.
I have to wonder no longer.
Tip of the Horn to Boing Boing.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Ireland Pictures
Found here.
Best viewed in the slide show format.
This is round one. Round two didn't load right, so there will be more forthcoming...
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Found here.
Best viewed in the slide show format.
This is round one. Round two didn't load right, so there will be more forthcoming...
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Good music
Monday, July 25, 2005
Question of the Day
What was the first human made object to break the sound barrier?
-Brought to you my the underside of my Snapple cap and the letter Q.
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What was the first human made object to break the sound barrier?
-Brought to you my the underside of my Snapple cap and the letter Q.
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
WXPN - All About the Music Weekend
If you're a musc lover in Philly this weekend you could do a lot worse than this festival and concers at Wiggin's Park on the Camden Waterfront. There is a main stage, Philly local stage and kids stage along with a kids area for fun.
Four-Fifths of the Horns family will be there Saturday & Sunday. It will be pretty easy to see us...
Me: 6'3" White t-shirt, tan PSU hat, Oakley's & bad posture
Mrs. Horns: 5'9" Cowboy hat, beautiful calves that would make Lance Armstrong jealous & a great smile
Kids: 11 & 2 - Screaming. They'll be in a blue stroller and/or a red radio flyer wagon
We'll probably be around the kids area or the XPN member tent.
Hope to see you there!
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If you're a musc lover in Philly this weekend you could do a lot worse than this festival and concers at Wiggin's Park on the Camden Waterfront. There is a main stage, Philly local stage and kids stage along with a kids area for fun.
Four-Fifths of the Horns family will be there Saturday & Sunday. It will be pretty easy to see us...
Me: 6'3" White t-shirt, tan PSU hat, Oakley's & bad posture
Mrs. Horns: 5'9" Cowboy hat, beautiful calves that would make Lance Armstrong jealous & a great smile
Kids: 11 & 2 - Screaming. They'll be in a blue stroller and/or a red radio flyer wagon
We'll probably be around the kids area or the XPN member tent.
Hope to see you there!
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Friday, July 22, 2005
Kids Today
Last night at bedtime, as I was tucking in Baby Horns, I said, "I love you big man."
His response? "TEE-VEE!"
Alrighty then...
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Last night at bedtime, as I was tucking in Baby Horns, I said, "I love you big man."
His response? "TEE-VEE!"
Alrighty then...
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
The New Iraqi Constitution
I haven't seen this reported anywhere else. Apparently if the Sunnis have their way the "freedom and equality" the Bush Administration has been touting will be non-existent for women.
I don't think our soldiers are giving their lives for this kind of "freedom."
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I haven't seen this reported anywhere else. Apparently if the Sunnis have their way the "freedom and equality" the Bush Administration has been touting will be non-existent for women.
...Most chilling of all are the prospects for Iraqi women. As things now stand, their rights are about to be set back by nearly 50 years because of new family law provisions inserted into a draft of the constitution at the behest of the ruling Shiite religious parties. These would make Koranic law, called Shariah, the supreme authority on marriage, divorce and inheritance issues. Even secular women from Shiite families would be stripped of their right to choose their own husbands, inherit property on the same basis as men and seek court protection if their husbands tire of them and decide to declare them divorced...
I don't think our soldiers are giving their lives for this kind of "freedom."
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White Cliffs of Dover
This fantastic picture was taken by my friend Tina who was in Europe around the same time as me & Mrs. Horns. Post card worthy, Tina.
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This fantastic picture was taken by my friend Tina who was in Europe around the same time as me & Mrs. Horns. Post card worthy, Tina.
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Factoid of the Day
Holland is the only country with a national dog.
It's the Keeshond.
I have a few ideas for an American National Dog, and none of them are serious. Feel free to nominate your choice in the comments below.
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Holland is the only country with a national dog.
It's the Keeshond.
I have a few ideas for an American National Dog, and none of them are serious. Feel free to nominate your choice in the comments below.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Surprise Supreme Court Nominee
No one writes a dissenting opinion like Bobcat Goldthwaite.
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No one writes a dissenting opinion like Bobcat Goldthwaite.
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Monday, July 18, 2005
It's So Humid
How humid you say? (Or should've said.)
When I got to work around 8:30 this morning my glasses fogged as soon as I got out of the car.
I'm not a meteorologist but I think we could be approaching complete air saturation in Philadelphia. To prove this I'll need to dig out my sling psychrometer.
I wonder if Hurricaine Schwartz's glasses ever fog?
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How humid you say? (Or should've said.)
When I got to work around 8:30 this morning my glasses fogged as soon as I got out of the car.
I'm not a meteorologist but I think we could be approaching complete air saturation in Philadelphia. To prove this I'll need to dig out my sling psychrometer.
I wonder if Hurricaine Schwartz's glasses ever fog?
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Harry Potter Fever Envelops Casa Horns
In a fit of neuro-diarrhea I had Amazon deliver my copy of the Half Blooded Prince to work, so I won't get to see it until Monday. Mrs. Horns had hers delivered at home so she is enjoying it now while I rassle three kids. (I may get to read a chapter or two tonight, if I fold enough laundry.)
We're huge fans of the book here and we don't even practice witchcraft!
So here are my predictions on the just released five-pound tome, without having read any of the new one (or visiting Mugglenet or the Leaky Cauldron):
Yes, I own Slytherin & Gryffindor neckties.
In the immortal words of Ogre: "NERD"
If you're a Harry-nerd too feel free to leave a prediction. The more lurid, the better.
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In a fit of neuro-diarrhea I had Amazon deliver my copy of the Half Blooded Prince to work, so I won't get to see it until Monday. Mrs. Horns had hers delivered at home so she is enjoying it now while I rassle three kids. (I may get to read a chapter or two tonight, if I fold enough laundry.)
We're huge fans of the book here and we don't even practice witchcraft!
So here are my predictions on the just released five-pound tome, without having read any of the new one (or visiting Mugglenet or the Leaky Cauldron):
Ron & Hermione's latent sexual tension will boil over and they will hold hands (for now).
A student will be eaten by one of Hagrid's beasts.
Sirus Black will communicate with Harry from the other side. Perhaps in his dreams.
Dobby, the former house elf of the Malfoys, will play another prominent role.
Harry & Cho are so not over.
Dumblebore will not live to see Harry graduate from Hogwarts.
Yes, I own Slytherin & Gryffindor neckties.
In the immortal words of Ogre: "NERD"
If you're a Harry-nerd too feel free to leave a prediction. The more lurid, the better.
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Blogroll Addition
I've added Philly Blogger, Jessika to my blogroll (under Blogenpheffer).
Go over and say hello. Whilst visiting check out her garden pictures. It seems as though Jessika has got herself one of them-there green-thumbs.
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I've added Philly Blogger, Jessika to my blogroll (under Blogenpheffer).
Go over and say hello. Whilst visiting check out her garden pictures. It seems as though Jessika has got herself one of them-there green-thumbs.
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Donegal Picture
We were very lucky to be blessed with great weather for our trip. Even when it rained it there it didn't seem to matter because it was so warm.
The picture below was taken in Donegal 9-July at about 10:30pm from the front steps of our B&B, aptly named, Island View. The body of water you see leads to Donegal Bay and then the Atlantic Ocean. Donegal is located on the western shore of the Republic of Ireland less than a day's drive from Londonderry in the North. (Even with shutter happy Americans driving.)
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We were very lucky to be blessed with great weather for our trip. Even when it rained it there it didn't seem to matter because it was so warm.
The picture below was taken in Donegal 9-July at about 10:30pm from the front steps of our B&B, aptly named, Island View. The body of water you see leads to Donegal Bay and then the Atlantic Ocean. Donegal is located on the western shore of the Republic of Ireland less than a day's drive from Londonderry in the North. (Even with shutter happy Americans driving.)

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Back at Work
Digging out through of hundreds of emails and a stack of mail that would choke Woodsy the Owl.
Our last day in Ireland took us to the Book of Kells on the Trinity College campus and a tour of the Guinness factory. We ended up at Gogarty's until last call where we made sure that the early wake-up call and the flight home were unpleasant.
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Digging out through of hundreds of emails and a stack of mail that would choke Woodsy the Owl.
Our last day in Ireland took us to the Book of Kells on the Trinity College campus and a tour of the Guinness factory. We ended up at Gogarty's until last call where we made sure that the early wake-up call and the flight home were unpleasant.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Last Day in Ireland
Mrs. Horns and I are enjoying a day in Dublin before we return to the States.
A couple of things...
Camera phone won't send any more photos, thus the lack of pix since Saturday.
It's a real challenge to learn to drive on the left side of the road, even tougher when you have a standard transmission. We constantly ask each other, 'Am I on the correct side?' when driving. A running joke...
The weather has been sensational, mid 80s and clear skies for the past four days.
Yes, we managed to get sunburn at St. John's Point outside of Donegal.
More stories and some spectacular pix when I return...
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Mrs. Horns and I are enjoying a day in Dublin before we return to the States.
A couple of things...
Camera phone won't send any more photos, thus the lack of pix since Saturday.
It's a real challenge to learn to drive on the left side of the road, even tougher when you have a standard transmission. We constantly ask each other, 'Am I on the correct side?' when driving. A running joke...
The weather has been sensational, mid 80s and clear skies for the past four days.
Yes, we managed to get sunburn at St. John's Point outside of Donegal.
More stories and some spectacular pix when I return...
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Saturday, July 09, 2005
Friday, July 08, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
55 north
Vitamin g
Sheep's island
Dunseverick castle
Giants causeway
Day 3
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Shoot me
Smuggler & the unc
North sea
Day 2
Monday, July 04, 2005
Day one g'night
Me & Mrs. Horns
First Pint
The North
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Restrooms for Germophobes
Have you ever been to a bathroom in a rest area off the PA Turnpike? How about the Philly Int'l Airport?
The one thing they have in common is that the only thing you need to touch is yourself.
The toilet will flush automatically after you move away (I'm assuming you hovered), the soap and water will come out automatically and you can either activate the hot air dryer or paper towels with nary a touch. I'm sure this technology upgrade is because people felt the bathrooms were too dirty, but the crazy thing is they're cleaner now than they've ever been.
Just finished my second Vitamin G*. Boarding for Dublin in 15 minutes...
*C'mon, it's Guinness (Still smoke free, CG).
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Have you ever been to a bathroom in a rest area off the PA Turnpike? How about the Philly Int'l Airport?
The one thing they have in common is that the only thing you need to touch is yourself.
The toilet will flush automatically after you move away (I'm assuming you hovered), the soap and water will come out automatically and you can either activate the hot air dryer or paper towels with nary a touch. I'm sure this technology upgrade is because people felt the bathrooms were too dirty, but the crazy thing is they're cleaner now than they've ever been.
Just finished my second Vitamin G*. Boarding for Dublin in 15 minutes...
*C'mon, it's Guinness (Still smoke free, CG).
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Off To Ireland
A slightly inauspicious beginning as Mrs. Horns shirt is inside-out.
It'll be all good from here.
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A slightly inauspicious beginning as Mrs. Horns shirt is inside-out.
It'll be all good from here.
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Friday, July 01, 2005
Countdown to Battle Royale
Sandra Day O'Connor gets to hit the links and the thinking people get to worry about:
When will Rehnquist resign?
Will the dual resignations doom Roe? Griswold?
Is the nuclear option back on the table?
If Frist tries to go nuclear will it strengthen or weaken his Presidential ambitions?
How will this impact the mid-term elections?
Does Harry Reid have what it takes to keep the Dem losses to a minimum?
How about the losses for the non-Christian majority?
Will the terms "back alley" and "wire hanger" enter our vernacular with more frequency?
Will Judiciary Chair Specter fold under White House pressure or stick by his ideals?
What are you worried about?
BTW - Justice O'Connor is an avid golfer.
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Sandra Day O'Connor gets to hit the links and the thinking people get to worry about:
When will Rehnquist resign?
Will the dual resignations doom Roe? Griswold?
Is the nuclear option back on the table?
If Frist tries to go nuclear will it strengthen or weaken his Presidential ambitions?
How will this impact the mid-term elections?
Does Harry Reid have what it takes to keep the Dem losses to a minimum?
How about the losses for the non-Christian majority?
Will the terms "back alley" and "wire hanger" enter our vernacular with more frequency?
Will Judiciary Chair Specter fold under White House pressure or stick by his ideals?
What are you worried about?
BTW - Justice O'Connor is an avid golfer.
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