
Monday, August 08, 2005

Summer Time Food

Now for something completely different...

Last night Mrs. Horns was laid up in bed with a bad back and asked for, "something salady" for our evening repast. With two older boys I had to come up with something, "un-crappy" so I came up with the following to tremendous acclaim:

Modified Chef Salad

One Cuke
One Green Pepper
One Red Sweet Pepper
One Small Vidalia Onion
One Container Grape Tomatoes
One pre-packaged low-fat Ham-Turkey Combo Pack
1/4 pound provolone cheese
One Bag Pre-Made Salad (Double carrots, to add another veggie)
One Head Romaine Hearts (Come in bags of three hearts)
Bottle of Paul Newman - Italian Dressing

(I think adding mushrooms, green beans or snap peas would be good, but my kids would consider it "crappy." Don't let that sway you.)

Combine the lettuce in one bowl. Slice all of the other fixins (except the tomatoes) and put combine in another bowl. Put a 1.5 tbsp into each bowl and toss vigorously.

Serve the fixins on a bed lettuce. Enjoy!

Anyone else have a good summer time recipe they could share?

(Besides 1-800-PAPAJOHN)

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