
Sunday, February 06, 2005

My Pick

It's time for my Super Bowl pick.

It looks like lots of "experts" are picking the Patriots to win the games. If you're looking for a similar pick here, you may as well move along.

Here is why the Eagles will win and other thoughts on the Supe:

Defensive coordinator Jim Johnson's name will be on everyone's lips after the game. Look for him to mix his coverages and blitz less than everyone thinks. Three out of four Eagles DBs are going to the Pro Bowl, a little better than the Pats have faced in the playoffs. The Birds will pack the box and dare the Pats to run. They'll try. Unsuccessfully.

Terrell Owens will be a big factor, especially when Westbrook lines up in the slot. This will mean that the Pats will have to put an LB on a WR. Traditionally the LB is put on the RB lined up in the slot. BIG advantage Eagles.

Read nothing into TO missing the walk-through yesterday. I wouldn't be surprised if he caught two in the game.

Everyone will know Greg Lewis's name after Super Bowl XXXIX

The Pats return defense is weak. The ranked third & fourth from the bottom in the AFC for kick and punt returns, respectively. I think Reno Mahe could bust one. Fun Fact: Mahe (MA-hey) means 'underwear' in Tongan. We've got that going for us, which is nice.

Finally, it seems like the Birds are loose and that's a good sign. There was a fight in practice this week too which lends itself to feistiness as well.

I wanted the Eagles to play the Pats from the start of the playoffs, because they are perceived to be the best. Now we have the match-up. The Pats are a great team, but it is the Eagles day.

Patriots 17
Eagles 28

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