
Thursday, December 30, 2004

Work Free Day

Me and the big man are just hanging out at home today. I don't have to be back at work until Monday. Sweet.

Right now we're watching the SportsCenter year in review on ESPN. Unfortunately, they are spending about 15 minutes on the Shaq/Kobe bitchy slap fight soap opera.

We just got the Garden State DVD and I look forward to seeing that later this evening, after the baby goes to sleep. It sounds like a great film (9 out of 10 stars at IMDB.com.) And Garden State writer/director/star Zach Braff keeps a blog too. Cool. If you're not sure who Zach Braff is, this may help. He's the star of the NBC sitcom, Scrubs. A consistently hilarious show, and the great part about it is that you can start watching it anytime (or come back to it) because the storylines are somewhat "loose." This is a good thing.

No plans for New Year's Eve. Probably stay in with Mrs. Horns and tune in to watch Regis fill in for Dick Clark.

Anyone going to a black tie affair? Semi-formal dinner & dancing? Jeans & t-shirt with lo-mein? Naked in the hot tub?

How are you going to see in 2005?

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