
Monday, September 20, 2004

WMD: The Movie

That's Weapons of Mass Deception. Danny Schechter, the proprietor of the blog at Media Channel has put together a film detailing the media's failure to do their job in the lead up to the Iraq War. It will be available on DVD soon and is currently showing at film festivals around the country.

Here is a flash video promotion of the film and more information about the film is available here.

Here is what writers are saying:

"A comprehensive and devastating critique of the TV news networks' complacency and complicity in the war on Iraq... brilliantly argued and scrupulously documented... a must see" -- Chicago Reader

"More cohesive and devastating than Fahrenheit 911" -- Boston Phoenix

“Searing... Powerful" -- Sacramento Bee

Sure to enter the Uncle Horns DVD vault upon release.

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