
Saturday, September 11, 2004

Save Our Forests

David over at largehearted boy has a post up detailing what our environment is up against, particularly if Bush is re-elected.

This is from ourforests.org:
On July 12, 2004 the Bush administration repealed the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, despite promising to uphold it. Now, 58.5 million acres of our national forests are at risk to destructive road-building, logging and drilling.

The Heritage Forests Campaign and our partners throughout the country are working feverishly to stop this shortsighted proposal, but we need your help! A public comment period started last week with this announcement and we need to let the administration know that the public wants our national forests protected not given away to corporate special interests.

We have set an ambitious goal of 1 million comments to send a clear and powerful message that we will not tolerate the administration giving our national forests away. Please send the letter below and if you have a few extra minutes please edit the letter with some personal comments.

Thank you for your continued support and please remember to comment today, to protect our national forests for tomorrow.

Go make your voice heard.

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