
Friday, August 27, 2004

Bush's Plan for the RNC

An excellent overview of the week's events in the WaPo from Dan Froomkin.

From which I found this in the NY Daily News:
President Bush wants to watch the Republican convention from a New York City firehouse and "bond" with the city's Bravest, officials said yesterday.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is also scouting out firehouses so he can watch it with the heroes of 9/11.

"Both Bush and Schwarzenegger want to bond with city firefighters," said one city official who asked not to be named...

Bush & Friends are trying to rekindle the emotion and popularity among citizens right after 9/11/01.

That may not be the best idea, especially if he brings Dennis Hastert with him:
New Yorkers yesterday slammed House Speaker Dennis Hastert for claiming the Big Apple was guilty of an "unseemly scramble" for cash after Sept. 11 — and one city councilman demanded he return his FDNY cap.

"I want to let Hastert know we want our FDNY cap back," fumed Councilman Peter Vallone Jr., referring to the baseball cap given to Hastert three years ago when the powerful Illinois lawmaker toured Ground Zero shortly after the 9/11 attacks.

The New York Fire Department hasn't endorsed a Presidential Candidate. Yet.

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