
Monday, July 12, 2004

Moving and the Stinky Meat Project

As I noted a couple of days ago my family and I intended to move today. Unfortunately, the weather gods in Wilmington, DE had other plans. It rained heavily all day with flooding in my neighborhood and the movers, noticing the river running down the hill outside our apartment, decided we'd play two tomorrow. So, with said weather gods calling for partly cloudy skies, we'll move the contents of a 3BR apartment (and furniture from a storage facility) into our new home:

(porta-pahty has been removed)

So now you must be thinking: What did you do with your day instead of moving? After dropping the kids at daycare and picking up some supplies for the house I embarked on my own Stinky Meat Project*.

To bring you up to speed... When the family moved to the apartment before Christmas the contractors assured us that the ante-room in the basement would have electricity during the entire renovation. This room is 4' x 6' and the only thing in it for the past six-months was our freezer. Because there was going to be electricity I didn't see any reason to unload all of the contents. (If I had more time when we moved out I probably would've moved the freezer and all of the contents. Or I'm a bit lazy.) You can probably guess where this going... So I found out last week that the power was cut off to the basement around Memorial Day and today I tried to make the freezer usable.

The stench was horrible as I unloaded seven garbage bags of thawed meat, fruit , vegetables and ice cream sanwiches (which, basically vaporized, all that was left were the wrappers. Weird.) It took two hours as I had to take air breaks. Each weighed about 20 pounds. It is a big freezer.

My mother-in-law suggested to put charcoal and baking soda into the vile appliance to help the odor subside. (How did she know that?) I did this and emptied the better part of a jumbo can of Lysol into and around the freezer. We'll find out if I was successful on moving day.

*FULL DISCLOSURE: The SMP is a real web site described here and is out of service now, but will be up and running again here. Worth a look, if you find this type of thing funny.

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