
Thursday, April 29, 2004

Pataki Passing the Plate for...Laura Bush?

At a "prayer breakfast" no less:

A just-released invitation to a special May 11 "prayer breakfast" with Gov. Pataki - featuring an appearance by First Lady Laura Bush - offers would-be participants the chance to buy 10 places at a "Blue Seating" table for $1,000, or 10 places at a "Gold Seating" table for $500.

Individual "unreserved" seats for the event at the state-owned Empire State Plaza are also available for $30 each.

Everyone purchasing tickets, besides being given a chance to pray with the First Lady, will be able to use a "complimentary coffee bar."

The invitation, which contains a quote declaring that "God governs in the affairs of men" - says checks should be written to "The Governor's Prayer Breakfast Trust Fund," which underwrites the cost of the event.

Longtime observers said the prayer breakfasts, which the governor and his wife, Libby, have sponsored for the past 10 years, have never before been so expensive.

A "Complimentary Coffee Bar"? That'll be free but I'm sure a packet of sugar and two cremes will be $450.

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