
Thursday, April 08, 2004

Clear Channel gets Their Comeuppance

Clear Channel could be fined up to $495,000 for programming aired by Howard Stern deemed indecent by the FCC:

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission could fine radio station company Clear Channel Communications as much as $495,000 for indecency by radio personality Howard Stern, the Wall Street Journal said Thursday.

The fine will be for a Stern radio show that spawned a listener complaint and was aired on Clear Channel stations last year, the Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.

Sometimes called a "shock jock," Howard Stern is known for his raunchy radio and television show and has been fined for indecency on the radio before.

In the past month Stern was fined $27,000, the Journal said.

The fine's particulars had not been finalized by late yesterday, the Journal said.

Clear Channel is the radio giant who recently pulled Howard Stern from their stations in five U.S. markets. A drop in the bucket for them, but I'm sure Howard is gloating today.

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