
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

More Dead Americans

Four American soldiers died today in Iraq when a bomb exploded under their vehicle. In another incident, an American contractor was also killed today with three other foreign workers. Their bodies were dragged through the streets by jubulant residents. Both attacks took place near Fallujah:

Chanting "Fallujah is the graveyard of Americans," residents cheered after the grisly assault on two four-wheel-drive civilian vehicles, which left both in flames. Others chanted, "We sacrifice our blood and souls for Islam."

Associated Press Television News pictures showed one man beating a charred corpse with a metal pole. Others tied a yellow rope to a body, hooked it to a car and dragged it down the main street of town. Two blackened and mangled corpses were hung from a green iron bridge across the Euphrates.

"The people of Fallujah hanged some of the bodies on the old bridge like slaughtered sheep," resident Abdul Aziz Mohammed said. Some of the corpses were dismembered, he said.

This is tragic. Let's not forget. Ever.

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