Saturday, April 10, 2004
A Second Term for W: BAD IDEA
Detailed below are key points excerpted from Robert Reich's article, W.'s Second Term: If you Think the First is Bad...:
"Musings about a second Bush term typically assume another four years of the same right-wing policies we've had to date. But it'd likely be far worse. So far, the Bush administration has had to govern with the expectation of facing American voters again in 2004. But suppose George W. Bush wins a second term. The constraint of a re-election contest will be gone. Knowing that voters can no longer turn them out, and that this will be their last shot at remaking America, the radical conservatives will be unleashed.
If Bush is re-elected, '[Dick] Cheney and [Donald] Rumsfeld are out of the box,' he said. 'They'll take Bush's re-election as a mandate to wage the 'war on terror' everywhere and anywhere.'
...Domestic policy will swing further right. A re-election would strengthen the White House's hand on issues that even many congressional Republicans have a hard time accepting, such as the assault on civil liberties. Bush will seek to push 'Patriot II' through Congress, giving the Justice Department and the FBI powers to inspect mail, eavesdrop on phone conversations and e-mail, and examine personal medical records, insurance claims, and bank accounts.
Economic policy, meanwhile, will be tilted even more brazenly toward the rich. Republican strategist Grover Norquist smugly predicts larger tax benefits for high earners in a second Bush administration. The goal will be to eliminate all taxes on capital gains, dividends, and other forms of unearned income and move toward a 'flat tax.'
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor will surely step down from the Supreme Court, possibly joined by at least one other jurist, opening the way for the White House to nominate a series of right-wing justices, a list that could easily include Charles Pickering Sr. and William Pryor Jr. After Chief Justice William Rehnquist resigns, Bush may well nominate Antonin Scalia for the top slot -- opening the way for Scalia and Clarence Thomas to dominate the Court. Such a court will curtail abortion rights, whittle down the Fourth and Fifth amendments, end all affirmative action, and eliminate much of what's left of the barrier between church and state.
Automated voting machines will be easily rigged, with no paper trails to document abuses. Changes in campaign-finance laws will permit larger 'hard money' donations by corporate executives and federal contractors who have benefited by Republican policies.
Finally, the Federal Communications Commission will allow three or four giant media empires -- all tightly connected to the Republican Party -- to consolidate their ownership over all television and radio broadcasting.
Nothing is more dangerous to a republic than fanatics unconstrained by democratic politics. Yet in a second term of this administration, that's exactly what we'll have."
So that's all we need to worry about. Got it?
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Detailed below are key points excerpted from Robert Reich's article, W.'s Second Term: If you Think the First is Bad...:
"Musings about a second Bush term typically assume another four years of the same right-wing policies we've had to date. But it'd likely be far worse. So far, the Bush administration has had to govern with the expectation of facing American voters again in 2004. But suppose George W. Bush wins a second term. The constraint of a re-election contest will be gone. Knowing that voters can no longer turn them out, and that this will be their last shot at remaking America, the radical conservatives will be unleashed.
If Bush is re-elected, '[Dick] Cheney and [Donald] Rumsfeld are out of the box,' he said. 'They'll take Bush's re-election as a mandate to wage the 'war on terror' everywhere and anywhere.'
...Domestic policy will swing further right. A re-election would strengthen the White House's hand on issues that even many congressional Republicans have a hard time accepting, such as the assault on civil liberties. Bush will seek to push 'Patriot II' through Congress, giving the Justice Department and the FBI powers to inspect mail, eavesdrop on phone conversations and e-mail, and examine personal medical records, insurance claims, and bank accounts.
Economic policy, meanwhile, will be tilted even more brazenly toward the rich. Republican strategist Grover Norquist smugly predicts larger tax benefits for high earners in a second Bush administration. The goal will be to eliminate all taxes on capital gains, dividends, and other forms of unearned income and move toward a 'flat tax.'
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor will surely step down from the Supreme Court, possibly joined by at least one other jurist, opening the way for the White House to nominate a series of right-wing justices, a list that could easily include Charles Pickering Sr. and William Pryor Jr. After Chief Justice William Rehnquist resigns, Bush may well nominate Antonin Scalia for the top slot -- opening the way for Scalia and Clarence Thomas to dominate the Court. Such a court will curtail abortion rights, whittle down the Fourth and Fifth amendments, end all affirmative action, and eliminate much of what's left of the barrier between church and state.
Automated voting machines will be easily rigged, with no paper trails to document abuses. Changes in campaign-finance laws will permit larger 'hard money' donations by corporate executives and federal contractors who have benefited by Republican policies.
Finally, the Federal Communications Commission will allow three or four giant media empires -- all tightly connected to the Republican Party -- to consolidate their ownership over all television and radio broadcasting.
Nothing is more dangerous to a republic than fanatics unconstrained by democratic politics. Yet in a second term of this administration, that's exactly what we'll have."
So that's all we need to worry about. Got it?
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8/6/01 PDB Released to Public
Bowing to political pressures, the White House released the Presidential Daily Bulletin today. This document contains information about threats facing the U.S. and was delivered to the President a day before he left for a month's vacation in Crawford and just over 30 days before the 9/11 disasters.. It was titled Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States.
It's not surprising that this info was released on a Saturday afternoon. But the weekend release will have no effect on the uproar it will cause.
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Bowing to political pressures, the White House released the Presidential Daily Bulletin today. This document contains information about threats facing the U.S. and was delivered to the President a day before he left for a month's vacation in Crawford and just over 30 days before the 9/11 disasters.. It was titled Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States.
It's not surprising that this info was released on a Saturday afternoon. But the weekend release will have no effect on the uproar it will cause.
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Your new Secretary of the Army!
Keith Berry, in this voluminous tome, makes the case for his own appointment to this vacant position.
This move will make it easier for Keith to see the Flashes of Kent State play football this season.
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Keith Berry, in this voluminous tome, makes the case for his own appointment to this vacant position.
This move will make it easier for Keith to see the Flashes of Kent State play football this season.
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Bush's Low Profile Questioned as Violence Flares in Iraq
The Washington Post has this article today on the problems facing the CPA in Iraq and why the President has decided to stay in Crawford when Americans are being killed or kidnapped in Fallujah and Baghdad:
..."If it were I in charge over there, I would have him out early next week to explain this whole thing," said a Republican strategist close to the Bush team who demanded anonymity as a condition of speaking freely about the administration. "He should restate what we're doing over there. He needs to provide a bigger picture to give voters more confidence that we know where we're going."...
I suggest that Bush is still in Crawford because he only knows what he's told and any forays into "indepedent thought" have to be vetted by RoveCardHughes. I would be very surprised if the president could speak for more than a minute or two on the subject without being given a script and an hour to study it. So the idea of the President being in a position to, "...restate what we're doing over there..." is laughable.
After all, when was the last time he had a press conference (without scripted questions)? Of course this might change if he picked up just one newspaper a day.
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The Washington Post has this article today on the problems facing the CPA in Iraq and why the President has decided to stay in Crawford when Americans are being killed or kidnapped in Fallujah and Baghdad:
..."If it were I in charge over there, I would have him out early next week to explain this whole thing," said a Republican strategist close to the Bush team who demanded anonymity as a condition of speaking freely about the administration. "He should restate what we're doing over there. He needs to provide a bigger picture to give voters more confidence that we know where we're going."...
I suggest that Bush is still in Crawford because he only knows what he's told and any forays into "indepedent thought" have to be vetted by RoveCardHughes. I would be very surprised if the president could speak for more than a minute or two on the subject without being given a script and an hour to study it. So the idea of the President being in a position to, "...restate what we're doing over there..." is laughable.
After all, when was the last time he had a press conference (without scripted questions)? Of course this might change if he picked up just one newspaper a day.
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Friday, April 09, 2004
Life is Good
I just received my first application for Penn State football season tickets. No more paying for tickets through someone else's Nittany Lion Club membership. Now Joepa has to let new offensive coordinator Galen Hall open up the offense.
We are. Penn State.
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I just received my first application for Penn State football season tickets. No more paying for tickets through someone else's Nittany Lion Club membership. Now Joepa has to let new offensive coordinator Galen Hall open up the offense.
We are. Penn State.
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And I'm complaining I can't take a week off
Buried in today's Washington Post:
...This is Bush's 33rd visit to his ranch since becoming president. He has spent all or part of 233 days on his Texas ranch since taking office, according to a tally by CBS News. Adding his 78 visits to Camp David and his five visits to Kennebunkport, Maine, Bush has spent all or part of 500 days in office at one of his three retreats, or more than 40 percent of his presidency...
Does it matter?
Unelected officials are running the country anyway.
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Buried in today's Washington Post:
...This is Bush's 33rd visit to his ranch since becoming president. He has spent all or part of 233 days on his Texas ranch since taking office, according to a tally by CBS News. Adding his 78 visits to Camp David and his five visits to Kennebunkport, Maine, Bush has spent all or part of 500 days in office at one of his three retreats, or more than 40 percent of his presidency...
Does it matter?
Unelected officials are running the country anyway.
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Kaye Grogan is at it again!
You'll remember a week ago that I critiqued an article by right wing zealot Grogan. She responded to my original post with more blather.
She has just posted another article. This one; Rupert Murdoch Leaves Liberal News Media Outfoxed crashes through the wall of foolishness into the anteroom of ignorance. Please try and force yourself to read the entire thing.
Here are selected portions of her article with more questions for Ms. Grogan:
News media mogul Rupert Murdoch has made a wise decision to back President Bush’s re-election. Democrats Senator Zell Miller of Georgia and former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, have also come out in support of the president and are joining forces with the Bush camp. President Bush has shown he has what it takes to stay the course in Iraq. No one likes war, but there will be wars and rumors of war, until the world ends, and nobody has the power to stop the inevitable.
Mr. Murdoch’s Fox News channel has given the American people a reprieve from biased,liberal news channels: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, by introducing the "fair and balanced" approach. He struck oil when he realized the majority of the American people were sick of the one-sided "in your face" attitude of the aforementioned news entities. And they wonder why their ratings have toppled? Still and yet, they keep right on trying to "brainwash" what few viewers they have left...
Murdoch endorsed Bush? I sure hope so, because he's given the RNC $2 million through his various holdings under News Corp. since 2000. Of course this is a one-hand-washes-the-other relationship as FOX News is the mouthpiece for the Administration and this, in turn, gives News Corp. regulatory advantages in Washington D.C. The approval of the DirecTV deal is a perfect example of money buying influence. FCC Chairman Michael Powell is in Murdoch's pocket.
FOX News "fair and balanced." By this do you mean having viewers who are completely misinformed? That's what happens when you push only ONE SIDE of the story. You get ignorant people.
The fact that FOX has any ratings at all is an ominous sign for the future of our country.
Please Kaye, tell me what makes CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS & NBC liberal.
...Poor Bob Novak of CNN’s Capital Gang, looks like the lone ranger on most of the shows, when Kate O’Beirne the only other regular conservative is not present....
Poor Bob Novak? Do you feel sorry for Bob Novak for revealing the name of an undercover CIA agent? How about insinuating Richard Clarke was a racist after serving for 30 years under Reagan, Bush & Bush?
...I agree with Mr. Murdoch, 9/11 forever changed the course of America. We must continue to seek out the terrorists who wish to harm the citizens of our country. One can’t help but wonder what happened to the terrorists and their whereabouts, who were lucky enough to receive full pardons from prison, for their horrendous crimes of terrorism, by President Bill Clinton before he left office. What kind of message did this perhaps send to other criminals? How about. . . sometimes it does pay off to commit crimes? Sure did in this particular case.
What particular case? Kaye, you are asserting that Clinton released terrorists before he left office. I anxiously await your proof of that assertion (it has nothing to do with Clinton's penis.) After you comb the archives of Big Pharma let me know what you find.
Kaye, what about your boy? Let's hope the Bush Administration releases the necessary records so that the only person arrested in conncetion with 9/11 doesn't go free, again.
Again, the title of the story has nothing to do with the content. I'm sensing a theme here...
I'll contact her again and see if she responds.
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You'll remember a week ago that I critiqued an article by right wing zealot Grogan. She responded to my original post with more blather.
She has just posted another article. This one; Rupert Murdoch Leaves Liberal News Media Outfoxed crashes through the wall of foolishness into the anteroom of ignorance. Please try and force yourself to read the entire thing.
Here are selected portions of her article with more questions for Ms. Grogan:
News media mogul Rupert Murdoch has made a wise decision to back President Bush’s re-election. Democrats Senator Zell Miller of Georgia and former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, have also come out in support of the president and are joining forces with the Bush camp. President Bush has shown he has what it takes to stay the course in Iraq. No one likes war, but there will be wars and rumors of war, until the world ends, and nobody has the power to stop the inevitable.
Mr. Murdoch’s Fox News channel has given the American people a reprieve from biased,liberal news channels: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, by introducing the "fair and balanced" approach. He struck oil when he realized the majority of the American people were sick of the one-sided "in your face" attitude of the aforementioned news entities. And they wonder why their ratings have toppled? Still and yet, they keep right on trying to "brainwash" what few viewers they have left...
Murdoch endorsed Bush? I sure hope so, because he's given the RNC $2 million through his various holdings under News Corp. since 2000. Of course this is a one-hand-washes-the-other relationship as FOX News is the mouthpiece for the Administration and this, in turn, gives News Corp. regulatory advantages in Washington D.C. The approval of the DirecTV deal is a perfect example of money buying influence. FCC Chairman Michael Powell is in Murdoch's pocket.
FOX News "fair and balanced." By this do you mean having viewers who are completely misinformed? That's what happens when you push only ONE SIDE of the story. You get ignorant people.
The fact that FOX has any ratings at all is an ominous sign for the future of our country.
Please Kaye, tell me what makes CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS & NBC liberal.
...Poor Bob Novak of CNN’s Capital Gang, looks like the lone ranger on most of the shows, when Kate O’Beirne the only other regular conservative is not present....
Poor Bob Novak? Do you feel sorry for Bob Novak for revealing the name of an undercover CIA agent? How about insinuating Richard Clarke was a racist after serving for 30 years under Reagan, Bush & Bush?
...I agree with Mr. Murdoch, 9/11 forever changed the course of America. We must continue to seek out the terrorists who wish to harm the citizens of our country. One can’t help but wonder what happened to the terrorists and their whereabouts, who were lucky enough to receive full pardons from prison, for their horrendous crimes of terrorism, by President Bill Clinton before he left office. What kind of message did this perhaps send to other criminals? How about. . . sometimes it does pay off to commit crimes? Sure did in this particular case.
What particular case? Kaye, you are asserting that Clinton released terrorists before he left office. I anxiously await your proof of that assertion (it has nothing to do with Clinton's penis.) After you comb the archives of Big Pharma let me know what you find.
Kaye, what about your boy? Let's hope the Bush Administration releases the necessary records so that the only person arrested in conncetion with 9/11 doesn't go free, again.
Again, the title of the story has nothing to do with the content. I'm sensing a theme here...
I'll contact her again and see if she responds.
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Technologically Gifted
My wife and I both work so we need to send our 11 month old son to daycare everyday, it is actually a friend of the family that watches kids at her home. She let us know about a situation that occurred yesterday and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. Her family recent got digital cable with all of the pay channels that comes with a remote that is straight from NASA (I know, we have one.) My son loves to play with the remote and cordless phone at home and our friend knows this. So when he started playing with the remote yesterday afternoon she didn't think much of it. Until she left the room for a moment and heard some strange (but slightly familiar) music coming from the TV room. It turns out that out of the 275 channels that my son could have chosen, he picked porn.
Moving forward, we'll be monitoring his media usage closely.
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My wife and I both work so we need to send our 11 month old son to daycare everyday, it is actually a friend of the family that watches kids at her home. She let us know about a situation that occurred yesterday and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. Her family recent got digital cable with all of the pay channels that comes with a remote that is straight from NASA (I know, we have one.) My son loves to play with the remote and cordless phone at home and our friend knows this. So when he started playing with the remote yesterday afternoon she didn't think much of it. Until she left the room for a moment and heard some strange (but slightly familiar) music coming from the TV room. It turns out that out of the 275 channels that my son could have chosen, he picked porn.
Moving forward, we'll be monitoring his media usage closely.
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Thursday, April 08, 2004

From the Center for American Progress:
"There really was nothing that looked like it was going to happen inside the United States...There was nothing demonstrating or showing that something was coming in the United States."
Source: - Condoleezza Rice, 4/8/04
Page 204 of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 noted that "In May 2001, the intelligence community obtained a report that Bin Laden supporters were planning to infiltrate the United States" to "carry out a terrorist operation using high explosives." The report "was included in an intelligence report for senior government officials in August [2001]." In the same month, the Pentagon "acquired and shared with other elements of the Intelligence Community information suggesting that seven persons associated with Bin Laden had departed various locations for Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States."
- Joint Congressional 9/11 Inquiry, 12/02
Thanks to InstaPundit for the picture (via Google.)
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From the Center for American Progress:
"There really was nothing that looked like it was going to happen inside the United States...There was nothing demonstrating or showing that something was coming in the United States."
Source: - Condoleezza Rice, 4/8/04
Page 204 of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 noted that "In May 2001, the intelligence community obtained a report that Bin Laden supporters were planning to infiltrate the United States" to "carry out a terrorist operation using high explosives." The report "was included in an intelligence report for senior government officials in August [2001]." In the same month, the Pentagon "acquired and shared with other elements of the Intelligence Community information suggesting that seven persons associated with Bin Laden had departed various locations for Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States."
- Joint Congressional 9/11 Inquiry, 12/02
Thanks to InstaPundit for the picture (via Google.)
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Clear Channel gets Their Comeuppance
Clear Channel could be fined up to $495,000 for programming aired by Howard Stern deemed indecent by the FCC:
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission could fine radio station company Clear Channel Communications as much as $495,000 for indecency by radio personality Howard Stern, the Wall Street Journal said Thursday.
The fine will be for a Stern radio show that spawned a listener complaint and was aired on Clear Channel stations last year, the Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.
Sometimes called a "shock jock," Howard Stern is known for his raunchy radio and television show and has been fined for indecency on the radio before.
In the past month Stern was fined $27,000, the Journal said.
The fine's particulars had not been finalized by late yesterday, the Journal said.
Clear Channel is the radio giant who recently pulled Howard Stern from their stations in five U.S. markets. A drop in the bucket for them, but I'm sure Howard is gloating today.
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Clear Channel could be fined up to $495,000 for programming aired by Howard Stern deemed indecent by the FCC:
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission could fine radio station company Clear Channel Communications as much as $495,000 for indecency by radio personality Howard Stern, the Wall Street Journal said Thursday.
The fine will be for a Stern radio show that spawned a listener complaint and was aired on Clear Channel stations last year, the Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.
Sometimes called a "shock jock," Howard Stern is known for his raunchy radio and television show and has been fined for indecency on the radio before.
In the past month Stern was fined $27,000, the Journal said.
The fine's particulars had not been finalized by late yesterday, the Journal said.
Clear Channel is the radio giant who recently pulled Howard Stern from their stations in five U.S. markets. A drop in the bucket for them, but I'm sure Howard is gloating today.
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Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch
While Condi is facing the heat, Bush is hosting the hunting lobby in Crawford. Including the NRA.
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While Condi is facing the heat, Bush is hosting the hunting lobby in Crawford. Including the NRA.
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Condi's Opening Statement
Lies exposed.
Details here.
All sourced.
Full marks to the Center for American Progress who must've been burning up the Lexis wires late this morning.
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Lies exposed.
Details here.
All sourced.
Full marks to the Center for American Progress who must've been burning up the Lexis wires late this morning.
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Investment Idea
Got a little money to invest? Forget about the stock market. This will make you millions.
Look for the IPO listed on the NYSE as: BGB
(Baby Got Back)
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Got a little money to invest? Forget about the stock market. This will make you millions.
Look for the IPO listed on the NYSE as: BGB
(Baby Got Back)
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Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Bloody Wednesday

UPDATE: 34 Americans dead since Sunday. Condi?
UPDATE 2: Even O'Reilly, Gingrich and Buchanan are piling on.
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UPDATE: 34 Americans dead since Sunday. Condi?
UPDATE 2: Even O'Reilly, Gingrich and Buchanan are piling on.
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Hannity's flip-flop lies on Kerry debunked
This post on the blog from the O'Franken Factor rebuts beautifully the lies spewed by hack radio talk show host Sean Hannity. If you read Hannity's claims carefully you'll notice that it sounds like a Bush campaign commercial. Wait a minute, it already is.
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This post on the blog from the O'Franken Factor rebuts beautifully the lies spewed by hack radio talk show host Sean Hannity. If you read Hannity's claims carefully you'll notice that it sounds like a Bush campaign commercial. Wait a minute, it already is.
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Phils Win!
We probably won't be posting after every Phils win because after I get to 105 posts Keith, proprietor of Berry's World might start to get perturbed. But we'll enjoy the first win of the season for now. It didn't come without a "Mesa moment" as new closer Billy Wagner gave up a lead-off gapper to Raul Mondesi who, inexplicably, tried to stretch it into a triple. Only a perfect relay throw from Jimmy Rollins (via Pat Burrell) was able to get Mondesi at third. Little trouble for Wagner after that as he hitt 99 on the radar three times en route to his first Phillies save. Hopefully, the first of many.
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We probably won't be posting after every Phils win because after I get to 105 posts Keith, proprietor of Berry's World might start to get perturbed. But we'll enjoy the first win of the season for now. It didn't come without a "Mesa moment" as new closer Billy Wagner gave up a lead-off gapper to Raul Mondesi who, inexplicably, tried to stretch it into a triple. Only a perfect relay throw from Jimmy Rollins (via Pat Burrell) was able to get Mondesi at third. Little trouble for Wagner after that as he hitt 99 on the radar three times en route to his first Phillies save. Hopefully, the first of many.
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Condi's Big Lie Day
Tomorrow Condoleeza Rice will testify in front of the 9/11 commission as to what steps the Bush Administration took to prevent our greatest disaster. The Center for American Progress has questions that should be asked but probably won't:
Why was it in our national interests for the Administration to facilitate the evacuation of Bin Laden family members and other prominent Saudis from the United States in the days immediately following 9/11?
Knowing that Afghanistan was a hotbed of terrorism, why didn't the Administration do more prior to 9/11 to increase security or plan to remove the Taliban?
If we have more questions in the course of our investigation, would you be willing to come testify under oath again?
We know the answer to the last one.
UPDATE: More Condi questions here from Peter Bergen on the NYT Op-Ed page.
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Tomorrow Condoleeza Rice will testify in front of the 9/11 commission as to what steps the Bush Administration took to prevent our greatest disaster. The Center for American Progress has questions that should be asked but probably won't:
Why was it in our national interests for the Administration to facilitate the evacuation of Bin Laden family members and other prominent Saudis from the United States in the days immediately following 9/11?
Knowing that Afghanistan was a hotbed of terrorism, why didn't the Administration do more prior to 9/11 to increase security or plan to remove the Taliban?
If we have more questions in the course of our investigation, would you be willing to come testify under oath again?
We know the answer to the last one.
UPDATE: More Condi questions here from Peter Bergen on the NYT Op-Ed page.
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"Harmless" VX gas to be dumped into the Delaware River
Fred Clark over at Slacktivist has a shocking story about our efforts to pare down our stockpiles of VX Gas. Unfortunately, this includes decontaminating it and dumping it into the Delaware River.
Contaminated or not I can't imagine this could be good for the ecosystem. Scary.
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Fred Clark over at Slacktivist has a shocking story about our efforts to pare down our stockpiles of VX Gas. Unfortunately, this includes decontaminating it and dumping it into the Delaware River.
Contaminated or not I can't imagine this could be good for the ecosystem. Scary.
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Right Eye Guy
In a hilarious take off on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy this web site promotes a Planned Parenthood march for reproductive rights. The event takes place in Washington DC on April 25th. Even if you can't attend the event be sure to watch this animated short starring Rush Limbaugh & Pat Robertson along with other right wing hacks.
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In a hilarious take off on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy this web site promotes a Planned Parenthood march for reproductive rights. The event takes place in Washington DC on April 25th. Even if you can't attend the event be sure to watch this animated short starring Rush Limbaugh & Pat Robertson along with other right wing hacks.
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This is bad
Coalition forces in Iraq have just bombed a mosque in Fallujah. 40 Iraqis dead.
Things will get much worse before they get better. The June 30th deadline should be a memory.
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Coalition forces in Iraq have just bombed a mosque in Fallujah. 40 Iraqis dead.
Things will get much worse before they get better. The June 30th deadline should be a memory.
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Arsenal Hoping for one Trophy
I was thrilled to get a TIVO from my wife a couple of weeks ago knowing that ESPN2 would be broadcasting Champions League Soccer, featuring the Arsenal-Chelsea quarterfinal. Readers here know one of my passions is the Arsenal Football Club so I was excited to go home after work yesterday and watch the TIVO replay of the 2nd leg against the Blues. My hopes for advancement in Europe were crushed as the Gunners lost the game 2-1 and 3-2 on aggregate. And after their FA Cup exit, Arsenal only have a chance for one trophy this season which they'll receive if the win the Premiership. Even that's in doubt as they have a four point lead on Chelsea with a game in hand. If Chelsea win two in a row and we draw three in a row we'll be tied atop the table. This is a long way from the treble talk of just a few weeks ago. Amazingly, Arsenal have only lost one match in domestic competitions this season and none in the Premiership proper. Manager Arsene Wenger will have much work to do in rebuilding the confidence of his team. And their supporters.
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I was thrilled to get a TIVO from my wife a couple of weeks ago knowing that ESPN2 would be broadcasting Champions League Soccer, featuring the Arsenal-Chelsea quarterfinal. Readers here know one of my passions is the Arsenal Football Club so I was excited to go home after work yesterday and watch the TIVO replay of the 2nd leg against the Blues. My hopes for advancement in Europe were crushed as the Gunners lost the game 2-1 and 3-2 on aggregate. And after their FA Cup exit, Arsenal only have a chance for one trophy this season which they'll receive if the win the Premiership. Even that's in doubt as they have a four point lead on Chelsea with a game in hand. If Chelsea win two in a row and we draw three in a row we'll be tied atop the table. This is a long way from the treble talk of just a few weeks ago. Amazingly, Arsenal have only lost one match in domestic competitions this season and none in the Premiership proper. Manager Arsene Wenger will have much work to do in rebuilding the confidence of his team. And their supporters.
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Tuesday, April 06, 2004
At Least it's Official Now
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. will be setting up shop in the U.S. which makes sense because this is where 75% of his revenue comes from.
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Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. will be setting up shop in the U.S. which makes sense because this is where 75% of his revenue comes from.
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NPR Adrift?
Two weeks ago National Public Radio demoted long-time Morning Edition host Bob Edwards to Senior Correspondent. You'd think that NPR would have a solid plan for moving forward after the change becomes permanent on May first. Apparently not:
...If there is a grand plan for bettering NPR, the network is not revealing it to its listeners.
Further, and perhaps more troubling, NPR is not revealing it to its affiliates.
Certainly, as first explained, Edward's ouster seemed to signal some new direction within the organization.
But what that may be is no clearer these weeks later, and some must now suspect that rather than a bold new direction for NPR, all crafted out, there is in its place but a vague notion of a need to change.
All this leaves affiliates asking, Who are we, what are we? What the hell is going on?
And they are asking these questions at precisely the time when they most need answers: Their pledge periods.
While NPR may have the hefty $200 million donation from Ray Kroc’s widow to fall back on, the affiliates aren’t as lucky. They earn their money the hard way, by pitching viewers for smaller sums.
“I don’t understand the thinking behind moving Edwards off the show, and many of my listeners don’t either,” says Gerry Weston, president of the Public Radio Partnership in Louisville, KY....
And then there's this:
...Edwards has hosted “Morning Edition” since it began in 1979. NPR says over the last five years the network’s overall audience has grown more than 60 percent. Listenership for “Morning Edition” alone is up over 40 percent during the same period. Some 13 million people a week tune in for a taste of Edwards on their radios...
If you feel strongly about the presence of Bob Edwards on Morning Edition, you can sign a petition here. At this site you can also link to hear what Mr. Edwards thinks about the move.
It makes me wonder what my pledge dollars are doing.
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Two weeks ago National Public Radio demoted long-time Morning Edition host Bob Edwards to Senior Correspondent. You'd think that NPR would have a solid plan for moving forward after the change becomes permanent on May first. Apparently not:
...If there is a grand plan for bettering NPR, the network is not revealing it to its listeners.
Further, and perhaps more troubling, NPR is not revealing it to its affiliates.
Certainly, as first explained, Edward's ouster seemed to signal some new direction within the organization.
But what that may be is no clearer these weeks later, and some must now suspect that rather than a bold new direction for NPR, all crafted out, there is in its place but a vague notion of a need to change.
All this leaves affiliates asking, Who are we, what are we? What the hell is going on?
And they are asking these questions at precisely the time when they most need answers: Their pledge periods.
While NPR may have the hefty $200 million donation from Ray Kroc’s widow to fall back on, the affiliates aren’t as lucky. They earn their money the hard way, by pitching viewers for smaller sums.
“I don’t understand the thinking behind moving Edwards off the show, and many of my listeners don’t either,” says Gerry Weston, president of the Public Radio Partnership in Louisville, KY....
And then there's this:
...Edwards has hosted “Morning Edition” since it began in 1979. NPR says over the last five years the network’s overall audience has grown more than 60 percent. Listenership for “Morning Edition” alone is up over 40 percent during the same period. Some 13 million people a week tune in for a taste of Edwards on their radios...
If you feel strongly about the presence of Bob Edwards on Morning Edition, you can sign a petition here. At this site you can also link to hear what Mr. Edwards thinks about the move.
It makes me wonder what my pledge dollars are doing.
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Karl Rove Will Stop at Nothing to get Bush Re-elected
This article by Nicholas Lemann from the 5/12/03 issue of the New Yorker provides some background on the Senior White House Advisor:
...Other Republican consultants in Texas often found themselves in conflict with Rove. An oft-told story involved Rove and a Republican consultant named John Weaver. At one time, Rove and Weaver were so close that they planned to go into business together. Then the plans were dropped, and shortly afterward Rove called Weaver in and accused him of a personal misdeed. Lots of people in Texas heard the story-thanks to Rove, it seemed. The bitterness between the Bush and the John McCain campaigns during the 2000 Republican primary season was in part a continuation of that feud, since Weaver played the same role in McCain's campaign that Rove played in Bush´s. After Bush had been badly beaten by McCain in the New Hampshire primary and his campaign moved on to South Carolina, its back against the wall, the McCain people thought they were seeing the Mark of Rove when scurrilous material started circulating-dark suggestions that McCain had committed treason while a prisoner of war, and had fathered a child by a black prostitute. But there were no fingerprints, Bush won the primary, and that was the end of the McCain campaign...
It's a long article, but if you didn't see it last year, it's worth the effort.
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This article by Nicholas Lemann from the 5/12/03 issue of the New Yorker provides some background on the Senior White House Advisor:
...Other Republican consultants in Texas often found themselves in conflict with Rove. An oft-told story involved Rove and a Republican consultant named John Weaver. At one time, Rove and Weaver were so close that they planned to go into business together. Then the plans were dropped, and shortly afterward Rove called Weaver in and accused him of a personal misdeed. Lots of people in Texas heard the story-thanks to Rove, it seemed. The bitterness between the Bush and the John McCain campaigns during the 2000 Republican primary season was in part a continuation of that feud, since Weaver played the same role in McCain's campaign that Rove played in Bush´s. After Bush had been badly beaten by McCain in the New Hampshire primary and his campaign moved on to South Carolina, its back against the wall, the McCain people thought they were seeing the Mark of Rove when scurrilous material started circulating-dark suggestions that McCain had committed treason while a prisoner of war, and had fathered a child by a black prostitute. But there were no fingerprints, Bush won the primary, and that was the end of the McCain campaign...
It's a long article, but if you didn't see it last year, it's worth the effort.
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Monday, April 05, 2004
Then and Now

A couple of weeks ago I posted my goodbye to Veteran's Stadium(crater, above left.) This past Saturday I had an opportunity to attend the first game at Citizen's Bank Park(oasis, above right) just across the street from where the Vet used to stand.
I prattled on about the Vet previously, but I wanted to share one other thing. They imploded it on a Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago. The following morning on WXPN-FM they went on and on about the demise of the Vet (as was everyone in Philly) and then, with no introduction, they played Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell. If you know the song, then yes, you could consider it sappy and cliched. If you don't, check out the lyrics and you'll understand what they're doing with the crater. And what the Vet meant to a generation of Philadelphia sports fans.
Onto the new park, this past Saturday... My seats were in the second deck toward the left field corner (under the overhang), so I was unable to see (along with probably 15% of the total fans) the big video scoreboard beyond the left fiels wall. Another frustrating thing was that none of the other auxiliary scoreboards were working, so you couldn't see the batter, ball count or the score. It was an exhibition game, but still, I like to know the game situation and its difficult to keep track all the time when you have to keep buying beer. In defense of the Phils, they announced that things weren't quite finished as workers were up the entire previous night trying to get the Park ready.
Those are the only bad things I can say. The sightlines are amazing, even from the concession stands on the lower level, where you can get a pint of Yards while watching Placido Polanco work another 12 pitch at-bat. The field is what you'd expect from a regenerated old-school ballpark, the "angle" in the outfield will be good for at least three inside the park HRs this year and the out-of-town scoreboards over the RF wall also give a classic feel.
And, oh yes, the grass field. I can't tell you what the 2004 Phillies will accomplish, but I can tell you they probably won't do it with the stolen base. It's still nice to know we can tailor the field to our strengths. If we play all year with this line-up, we'll keep the grass short. But if Marlon Byrd and Polanco start to run a little we can grow the grass to slow the ball down and let our guys run wild. (The same will work in a post-season series.) It's nice to have options.
I don't know if this park will give us any special home-field advantage in a playoff series because of the open areas in CF and down the LF line, but I really hope we can find out soon. We have a new park to show off.
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A couple of weeks ago I posted my goodbye to Veteran's Stadium(crater, above left.) This past Saturday I had an opportunity to attend the first game at Citizen's Bank Park(oasis, above right) just across the street from where the Vet used to stand.
I prattled on about the Vet previously, but I wanted to share one other thing. They imploded it on a Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago. The following morning on WXPN-FM they went on and on about the demise of the Vet (as was everyone in Philly) and then, with no introduction, they played Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell. If you know the song, then yes, you could consider it sappy and cliched. If you don't, check out the lyrics and you'll understand what they're doing with the crater. And what the Vet meant to a generation of Philadelphia sports fans.
Onto the new park, this past Saturday... My seats were in the second deck toward the left field corner (under the overhang), so I was unable to see (along with probably 15% of the total fans) the big video scoreboard beyond the left fiels wall. Another frustrating thing was that none of the other auxiliary scoreboards were working, so you couldn't see the batter, ball count or the score. It was an exhibition game, but still, I like to know the game situation and its difficult to keep track all the time when you have to keep buying beer. In defense of the Phils, they announced that things weren't quite finished as workers were up the entire previous night trying to get the Park ready.
Those are the only bad things I can say. The sightlines are amazing, even from the concession stands on the lower level, where you can get a pint of Yards while watching Placido Polanco work another 12 pitch at-bat. The field is what you'd expect from a regenerated old-school ballpark, the "angle" in the outfield will be good for at least three inside the park HRs this year and the out-of-town scoreboards over the RF wall also give a classic feel.
And, oh yes, the grass field. I can't tell you what the 2004 Phillies will accomplish, but I can tell you they probably won't do it with the stolen base. It's still nice to know we can tailor the field to our strengths. If we play all year with this line-up, we'll keep the grass short. But if Marlon Byrd and Polanco start to run a little we can grow the grass to slow the ball down and let our guys run wild. (The same will work in a post-season series.) It's nice to have options.
I don't know if this park will give us any special home-field advantage in a playoff series because of the open areas in CF and down the LF line, but I really hope we can find out soon. We have a new park to show off.
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What happens if Kerry wins?
What will become of the current President? I bet he hits the lecture circuit for thousands of these.
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What will become of the current President? I bet he hits the lecture circuit for thousands of these.
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That'll Leave a Mark
According to poll data from Pew the President now has a 43% approval rating for job performance (47% disapprove.) People still believe going into Iraq was the right decision, as they support Bush 57-35.
I wonder who Rove will attack over this... The Cookie Monster? Martha Stewart? Barry Bonds? Idi Amin?
Thanks to Atrios for the link.
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According to poll data from Pew the President now has a 43% approval rating for job performance (47% disapprove.) People still believe going into Iraq was the right decision, as they support Bush 57-35.
I wonder who Rove will attack over this... The Cookie Monster? Martha Stewart? Barry Bonds? Idi Amin?
Thanks to Atrios for the link.
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9/11 Findings may not be out until After election day
Because the White House will need to go over the entire final report, it may not be released until after election day.
I'm sure this is a card Rove and the boys have been holding for a while and it's just become known. Commission Chair Kean was, "surprised" at this revelation but, "sees now way around it." They "vetted" Clarke's new book for three months, so I imagine we'll be seeing the 9/11 report a year from now.
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Because the White House will need to go over the entire final report, it may not be released until after election day.
I'm sure this is a card Rove and the boys have been holding for a while and it's just become known. Commission Chair Kean was, "surprised" at this revelation but, "sees now way around it." They "vetted" Clarke's new book for three months, so I imagine we'll be seeing the 9/11 report a year from now.
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Sunday, April 04, 2004
Seven Soldiers Dead, 24 Injured Sunday
April has begun the way March ended, with more American blood shed. The clash occurred in a Shiite neighborhood in eastern Baghdad.
Bush lied and our soldiers died.
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April has begun the way March ended, with more American blood shed. The clash occurred in a Shiite neighborhood in eastern Baghdad.
Bush lied and our soldiers died.
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The Response
For those just joining us: On Friday I found a column entitled False Accusations Against the President Should be a Felony written by Kaye Grogan of Virginia. The link to the entire article and some questions I asked her are directly below this post.
It was surprising to find a response email from Ms. Grogan less than three hours after I sent it. Here it is:
First of all Brad, (if I may address you by your first name), President
Clinton admitted to the shall we say...unpresidential
conduct in the Oval office in the White House. Plus, there are records and
sanctions to prove this to be the case. There is no concrete proof
President Bush went AWOL from the National Guard service during his tenure.
There is no proof. . . the president knew in advance of a 9/11 attack, by
the al-Qaida terrorists, before the fact. Taking rumors and slinging them
on the wall, to see if any might stick, is totally destructive to our
society. It could even be considered childlike if the practice weren't so
dangerous to our democracy.
As for Al Gore winning the popular vote in 2000. . . this could be debated
alone for years. When you take away the reported dead people, pets, and
illegal voters who probably voted, this number would and could drop
We are all in this together. Whether one is a liberal, conservative,
Democrat, Republican or something else, does not matter to terrorists. When
those two planes crashed into the World Trade Center Towers and into the
Pentagon, there were people of all nationalities, religions, and party
affiliations. My point? It doesn't matter to terrorists who they kill.
I appreciate your taking the time to read my article. And whether I agree
or disagree with your comments. . . I believe you have the right to express
your opinion.
Wholly disappointing. This woman is what the right wing press is all about. All bluster and no substance. I like the way we she says I believe you have the right to express your opinion and yet her article is completely opposite of that point of view. And no, I don't think she's mentally challeged.
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For those just joining us: On Friday I found a column entitled False Accusations Against the President Should be a Felony written by Kaye Grogan of Virginia. The link to the entire article and some questions I asked her are directly below this post.
It was surprising to find a response email from Ms. Grogan less than three hours after I sent it. Here it is:
First of all Brad, (if I may address you by your first name), President
Clinton admitted to the shall we say...unpresidential
conduct in the Oval office in the White House. Plus, there are records and
sanctions to prove this to be the case. There is no concrete proof
President Bush went AWOL from the National Guard service during his tenure.
There is no proof. . . the president knew in advance of a 9/11 attack, by
the al-Qaida terrorists, before the fact. Taking rumors and slinging them
on the wall, to see if any might stick, is totally destructive to our
society. It could even be considered childlike if the practice weren't so
dangerous to our democracy.
As for Al Gore winning the popular vote in 2000. . . this could be debated
alone for years. When you take away the reported dead people, pets, and
illegal voters who probably voted, this number would and could drop
We are all in this together. Whether one is a liberal, conservative,
Democrat, Republican or something else, does not matter to terrorists. When
those two planes crashed into the World Trade Center Towers and into the
Pentagon, there were people of all nationalities, religions, and party
affiliations. My point? It doesn't matter to terrorists who they kill.
I appreciate your taking the time to read my article. And whether I agree
or disagree with your comments. . . I believe you have the right to express
your opinion.
Wholly disappointing. This woman is what the right wing press is all about. All bluster and no substance. I like the way we she says I believe you have the right to express your opinion and yet her article is completely opposite of that point of view. And no, I don't think she's mentally challeged.
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