Saturday, June 19, 2004

Plamegate: It's Gettin' Kinda Hectic

White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales testified on Friday in front of the federal grand jury investigaing the Plame affair.

I think the end of the investigation is near because they're running out of people to put in front of the grand jury. Only one to go. If Bush testifies then indictments will surely follow.

When that happens we'll be witness to Scott McClellan's most evasive hours.

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"From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put."
Sir Winston Churchill

(Sounds a little like Yoda too.)

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Friday, June 18, 2004

Interesting VP Choice

The sleeper pick for the democratic VP slot has emerged.

Reasons why our man could be #2:

  • He has the voice of reason in an increasingly fractious society

  • His love for his country is only surpassed by his love for his sports teams

  • His posting frequency will only increase with his move to Washington

  • He has strong opinions as to why a Gephardt selection would be the death-knell of Kerry's chances

  • He won't back down from big media or big bloggers

  • He's not afraid to promote himself for positions of importance

  • He won't be afraid to take a sock full of nickels to "pacemaker boy" after the first debate

  • His fantasy baseball team is named after the species of Myron on the Brady Bunch

  • He's seen a lot of West Wing, so he has intimate political knowledge. (But won't be seeing season one on DVD anytime soon.)

  • And finally, his last name rhymes with the presumptive Democratic nominee's

  • That's right, were talking about the everyman:

    Keith Berry!

    Write your newspapers. Call Air America. Let's get this growing buzz raging at a fever pitch.
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    The Man at His Finest

    I never weary of these:

    "And so, in my State of the—my State of the Union—or state—my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation—I asked Americans to give 4,000 years—4,000 hours over the next—the rest of your life—of service to America. That's what I asked—4,000 hours."
    —Bridgeport, Conn., April 9, 2002

    "If a person doesn't have the capacity that we all want that person to have, I suspect hope is in the far distant future, if at all."
    —Remarks to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Institute, Washington, D.C., May 22, 2001

    "I am mindful of the difference between the executive branch and the legislative branch. I assured all four of these leaders that I know the difference, and that difference is they pass the laws and I execute them."
    —Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 2000

    "There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, fool me once, shame on—shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again."
    —Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002 (Apologies to Pete Townsend)

    It wouldn't suprise me at all to hear that our President is related to Yogi Berra.

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    Scott McClellan Doing the Bob 'n Weave

    This is a sample of yesterday's White House Press Briefing. If you have the time, read the whole thing. The Rovian talking point of the day from Scotty was, "... let's look at the facts.*"

    If only they would:

    Q: Scott, the last poll on the subject found that most Americans, more than half, believe that Iraq had some hand in the planning and the execution of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Do you believe that the White House, the administration has done anything to contribute to that misimpression? Do you believe that you have, in any way, at any time, overstated the ties, the connections between al Qaeda and Iraq?

    MR. McCLELLAN: That's why I said we said a long time ago that there was no evidence to suggest Saddam Hussein's regime was involved in the September 11th attacks. We made that very --

    Q: After the war you said that.

    Q: Overstated the relationship in any way?

    MR. McCLELLAN: We made that very clear.


    Q: I want to go back to Kathleen's question. Do you believe -- you're saying that the White House believes that administration officials bear no responsibility for this misperception of Iraq's role in 9/11 that polls indicate a good half of the American people have. Are you concerned about that? Two questions.

    MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think you can go back and look at the facts. And I think the American people recognize that Saddam Hussein's regime was a brutal one. It was an oppressive one. It had a history involving terrorism, and so you have to look at that and have to take that into account when perceptions are formed. There are some facts there that point to the dangers and point to reasons why people might have those views.

    In terms of this administration, we laid out the facts very clearly for the American people. And it's important to look at the facts as we outlined them. And it's important to look at it in the context of post-September 11th. September 11th taught us that we must confront these threats before it is too late. September 11th taught us that we are -- or showed us that we are at war on terrorism. This was a terrible tragedy that occurred on American soil, and it taught us that we must confront threats that we face in the 21st century. That's what this President is doing. And you have to look at all the facts that are involved here. But we made it very clear that there was no evidence to suggest that regime was involved in September 11th.

    My emphasis.

    *The Press Briefing began at 12:47 pm and ended at 1:20 pm. In that 33 minute span Scott McClellan used some permutation of a "facts" statement 30 times.

    "You can't distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror."
    - President George W. Bush, September 2002

    UPDATE: Here's a more damning quote from Dick Cheney, "If we're successful in Iraq . . . then we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11..."

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    "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die."
    Mel Brooks

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    Thursday, June 17, 2004

    Irani Troops Massing at Iraq Border

    Haven't seen this reported anywhere:

    Iran reportedly is readying troops to move into Iraq if U.S. troops pull out, leaving a security vacuum.

    The Saudi daily Al-Sharq al-Awsat, monitored in Beirut, reports Iran has massed four battalions at the border.

    Al-Sharq al-Awsat quoted 'reliable Iraqi sources' as saying, 'Iran moved part of its regular military forces towards the Iraqi border in the southern sector at a time its military intelligence agents were operating inside Iraqi territory.'

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    November 2nd

    I've got Florida on my mind.

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    "I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them."
    E. V. Lucas

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    Wednesday, June 16, 2004

    "Rather Huge Bit of News"

    It looks like the WMDs may have been found:

    ...The UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission briefed the Security Council on new findings that could help trace the whereabouts of Saddam's missile and WMD program... My emphasis.

    According to Bush's boy, CIA Chief Weapons Inspector David Kay there are no weapons. There are plans for "weapons related activity", but that's a joke for another time.

    So I guess the best way to 'trace their whereabouts' is to go back to 1991. I could see Karl Rove as Doc Brown and Andrew Card as Marty McFly in Back to the Future: Remorseless Liars.

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    Big Number

    From March through April of 2004 John Kerry has raised $100 million for his Presidential campaign, for a total of over $140 million. This pales in comparison to the $216 million Bush has raised.

    The beautiful part is that Bush is spending his money on attack ads. His approval numbers are so poor that's the only platform he has. Combining this with the myriad of just-below-the-surface controversies will make for a pleasurable summer.

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    Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead

    A huge congratulations to Pistons Coach Larry Brown for doing what he couldn't do in Philly.

    Class act.

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    Quote of the Day

    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    Abraham Lincoln

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    Tuesday, June 15, 2004

    My Last Reagan Post...

    ...until Bush opens up federal funding for stem-cell research.

    From Greg Palast:

    ...In November 2001, with my BBC television and Guardian newspaper colleagues, I reported that, during the Reagan presidency, a US embassy official in Saudi Arabia was, in his own words, 'repeatedly ordered by high-level State Department officials to issue visas to unqualified applicants.'

    Sounds icky but not too notable until you learn the identities of these 'applicants.' They claimed to be engineering students who, when queried as to what school they attended, answered they 'could not remember.' They didn't have to. The unlikely 'engineers' had little helpers in the Reagan Administration.

    After investigation, the career diplomat, attorney Michael Springmann, learned they were, 'recruits, rounded up by Osama bin Laden, to [bring to] the United States for terrorist training by the CIA. They would then be returned to Afghanistan to fight against the then-Soviets.'

    Uh, oh. They returned to Afghanistan all right. But terrorists are like homing pigeons -- they have a bad habit of coming home to roost. In spook-world, it's known as 'blow back.' The Reagan-bin Laden killer brigade, skilled in such crafts as skinning Russian prisoners alive, blew back with a sickening vengeance.

    That story ran world wide at the top of the BBC nightly news -- except in the USA where it bounced off the electronic Berlin Wall. Our media was careful not to wake America from its nap, to hide the deeply disturbing truths behind Grandpa Gipper's grin...

    Still boils the blood.

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    Cheney and Powell Contradict Each Other, Again

    Do these two ever communicate?:

    One one side...

    Secretary of State Colin L. Powell conceded Thursday(6/10) that despite his assertions to the United Nations last year, he had no "smoking gun" proof of a link between the government of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and terrorists of Al Qaeda.

    "I have not seen smoking-gun, concrete evidence about the connection," Mr. Powell said, in response to a question at a news conference. "But I think the possibility of such connections did exist, and it was prudent to consider them at the time that we did."

    ...and the other...

    Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday(6/14) that Saddam Hussein had "long-established ties" with al Qaida, an assertion that has been repeatedly challenged by some policy experts and lawmakers.

    The vice president offered no details backing up his claim of a link between Saddam and al Qaida.

    "He was a patron of terrorism," Cheney said of Hussein during a speech before The James Madison Institute, a conservative think-tank based in Florida. "He had long established ties with al Qaida."

    So which is it?

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    Quote of the Day

    "When someone tells you something defies description, you can be pretty sure he's going to have a go at it anyway."
    Clyde B. Aster

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    Monday, June 14, 2004

    Long Live Zizou

    For the uninitiated, French midfielder Zinedine Zidane is the greatest footballer in the world. Proven by his two goals in injury time to send England to defeat in the European Football Championships on Sunday.

    Zidane does not crow. In victory, he shows only magnanimity. Rare acquaintance with reversals simply stirs him to more intense effort. This is a special, special footballer, the Real deal in every sense. Amid all the Birmingham disturbances and breast-beating over defeat to France, it needs acknowledging that England were slain by one of the greatest footballers ever.

    Elegance has a name and his initials are Z.Z.
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    Stop These People

    This web site is urging people to email movie theatres to stop them from showing Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911. The site, called Move America Forward, lists emails of executives at movie theatre companies in hopes that people will be able to stop it.

    Below, you will find all of the email addresses. All you need to do is paste them into your message and hit send. Tell them the movie is 100% factual and that people who don't want the truth known are trying to keep it from being shown.

    Here you go:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    Update: Great idea from the comments:

    I suggest using a crystal clear & short subject line - maybe something like:

    Subject: We support you! Thanks 4 showing Fahrenheit 911!

    Since these people are being swamped with emails lobbying them not to show Moore's film, & you don't want to get mistakenly lumped in with the wingers.

    Thanks Stevelu!

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    Quote of the Day

    Installment XII

    "If you can't annoy somebody, there's little point in writing."
    Kinsgley Amis

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    Sunday, June 13, 2004

    Alcohol Abuse at Abu Ghraib

    Haven't seen this previously:

    Senior U.S. military officials tried to crack down on alcohol abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq weeks before investigators uncovered prisoner mistreatment there, the Los Angeles Times reported, citing soldiers.

    Abuse was so prevalent that they had an Alcoholics Anonymous chapter at the prison.

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    Quote of the Day

    Installment XI

    "Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."
    John Stuart Mill

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    In Case You Hadn't Heard

    Family values proponent Rush Limbaugh recently announced his third divorce.

    How will the family's eight doctors be split up?

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